Thursday, July 07, 2005

*ahem* Is this thing on?

Greetings, Earthlings:

I have been visiting your planet for about three decades, and I must say -- you are quite delicious interesting people!

Aaaaanywho, here's a picture of my home planet:

Creepy, ain't it? That's why I come to visit your planet so often. You have such an abundance of good things to eat see.


Anonymous said...

so desolate looking!

Green Floppy said...

But, I ask you, is it creepy??

Stamppy said...

Yeah, it's CREEEEEEPY!!

Hey, creepy guy, that's coool how you put your desolate picture in the middle of your post. Betcha no ordinary "person" can think how to do that!! An ordinary "person" would have to ask how it's done. And a goomer comes along and gives the right answer. Yay, goomer!

Green Floppy said...

You humans would get nowhere without the help of beings like me. Ha!

Stamppy said...

This is what Yahoo mail had on their sign-in screen today:

"Create email folders on a whim.
Why cram all your messages into one boring old inbox? Just name and create folders – like ones for Job Offers, Marriage Proposals, Contact With Aliens, whatever."

I wonder if they're making fun of Aliens, or if Alien Contact is a normal occurrence for which most people would need a "Contact With Aliens" folder?

Green Floppy said...

I would think that "contact with aliens" would be a normal occurrence for most people, as there are many of my people living on your planet.

Seems to me that the odd folders in that list would be "Job Offers" or "Marriage Proposals" -- if someone is getting either one of those through email -- and enough of them to fill up a whole folder, even! -- then they must be a real loozer.

Stamppy said...

hey yeah!! It takes an alien to point out human stupididity.