Saturday, February 18, 2006

Cam In da House: Bleeaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!

Here are some pictures from my home cams. As you can probably tell, it's not quite the quality of picture that I've been able to get from that random 'Hood Cam, but I think you'll still be able to make out everything that happened to me (In my own home!) yesterday afternoon.

The first group is from the Car Hold Cam and the second group is from the Kitchen Cam. Also, there's no sound, so I'll provide the audio in text form:

La de dah de dah!

Got my red bag of groceries...

and my blue bag...

and these other grocery bags...

And that's all I need.
I guess I'll just carry everything in at once!

La de dah de dah...

Doo de doo de doo...

(View from inside!)

Here I go, up the laaaaast step, with my bags...

Wait a minute... these bags are too heavy...

Or did I maybe step up using the wrong leg?


Whoa, whoa!!

Whoa, Wh-- AAHHHH!!!!

*crash* *headthwack* *crash*


Edited to add the following:

Now with moving pictures!


Stamppy said...

Laughing My ASS OFff!!!! BWAHAAHAHHAHAA! Did that happen fer REAL!? AHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHa

Stamppy said...


So, were you injured?


Green Floppy said...

It really happened! Those are actual pictures taken straight from the cams!

I whacked my head on my vehicle, so my head feels like I... hit my head. If I don't go into seizures or something in the next couple of hours, I should be fine! hahahahaha

Stamppy said...

I remember seeing your garage setup one time. I think you park at least a vehicle length's distance from the entrance door. How did you manage to bumble your way over to your vehicle? Or do you park nearer to the door nowadays?

Green Floppy said...

Well, it wasn't MY vehicle, exactly, but another one that was parked next to mine. But saying that in the first place, would have made the story longer to tell. ahahaha

Stamppy said...

It's too bad the hotel cam wasn't on at the Rabbit Club that one time! Or in the icy parking lot. Or was it??

Green Floppy said...

I don't think they had cams way back then. But it would have been hi-larious!

Stamppy said...

Floppy must be tired! The video goes realllllly slow today!!!!

Green Floppy said...

Maybe it just needed time to download again. It went slow when I first got here, but the second time through, it was back to normal. ha ah