Friday, April 21, 2006

I wandered lonely as a cloud...

Hey, Stamppy! How you like THESE daffys?


Stamppy said...

"...When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils..."

Stamppy really likes your pure yellow Daffodils with long snouts!! So elegant and serene! Were they found on your planet? The earth beneath them looks so woodsy, unlike the pure dirt and grass where I usually see Daffodils.

P.S. Speaking of Daffodils, I really hate those imitation yellow Daffodils that are 2 toned and short-snouted! I mistakingly planted them in my yard, too yet!!

Green Floppy said...

We don't have such things as daffodils on my home planet. (That's why I'm not there much, ha ha!) I found these whilst doing some post-haircut research, hiding back behind some dumpy buildings, near the banks of the mighty Maunesha River.

Someone in the 'hood has those two-toned daffys of which you type. I was going to take a picture of them, but I was afraid their dog would eat my face and then walk around in my clothes. And now they're all wilty already. Pppft.

Stamppy said...

Hay - you hate daffodils, er someptin?

It doesn't really look like you got your hair cut, or haven't you updated your photo since the big moment?

OOooooh, I hope you didn't fall into the Mighty Menasha River like I did one time. Should I tell you about it? Ok. Well, you see, there was this time when I was clearing some brush, in the back forty, down by the mill, you see. When I decided to grab onto a tree branch which was inviting me to grab it. The branch happened to be hanging over the river at the time. The branch wasn't having any fun at all, and suddenly let go and sent me into the river. But luckily, I only landed on my feet and got my shoes....wet.

Anyway, so yea. lol. Not only did the ugly two-toned short-snouted daffys pop up everywhere, today they changed colors and are ALL WHITE! I hate them! I got ripped! Somebody sold me a bad batch of daffy bulbs last fall. JJjjjjjjjjerks!!

Dogs are mean! Don't go near them!!

Green Floppy said...

Why would you say I hate daffys?? Ppfpt.

I haven't updated my photo since the hair cut, silly!

I didn't fall in the river while taking the daffy photos. That's an interesting story about you falling into the river! I never heard of such a story before. Or since! hahahah. I know of someone who fell into the river, too, but that was more of a "washed over by rushing water" situation. lol

White daffys???? HIDEOUS!!!

Stamppy said...

You said this: "We don't have such things as daffodils on my home planet. (That's why I'm not there much, ha ha!)" which I thought meant you weren't at your home planet much because....ooooooops, I read the negative "don't" as a positive "do"!! I'm a little dyxlexic, ya know! ahahaaha

Maybe you could post more about the "washed over by rushing water" situation! That story sounds more fascinating than my story!! lol

Green Floppy said...

Hahahaa, you mis-read me.

I'll see if the rushing water person will mind if I post her story here. Heehee!

Stamppy said...

Cooool! I hope the person doesn't mind.

Green Floppy said...

She's going to write up the story, and I'll post it here as soon as possible. Yay!