Saturday, April 08, 2006

Palm Weaver-ing and Bunny Basketer-ing!

According to my calendar, tomorrow is Palm Sunday, which commemorates the day that Jebus rode into a town on an ass that his buddies stole from outside the gates, and then everybody who didn't have a coat to lay down, put palm fronds (a symbol for triumph and victory) down on the ground instead, so that the ass could walk around without having to soil its hooves on the sandy ground (because that was the style at the time -- to pretty up the path of someone thought worthy of the highest honour) , and then the extra fronds that they didn't need for a carpet, were waved around while people sang "Hosanna!" (which is also the name of one of the songs in the great rock opera, "Jebus Cripes Superstar" by that one Weber guy and that other Rice guy).

For Palm Sunday in modern times, people get palm fronds when they go to church. (It's a reward, like when you get a tootsie-roll at the bank, or a cow eraser at the dentist!) (Unless you live someplace that's else, where they get pussy willows instead. *snerk*) But then what do you do with them once you get them home? You can't eat them. They don't make good clothes. You can't fuel your car with them. So what then? Well, some people -- but only people who are very boring -- will just take that palm as is, all flat-like and straight, and stick it on their wall as decoration. Maybe tucked behind the corner of a picture frame, or a crucifix.

But other people -- far more interesting and creative people -- will take the palm and make something else out of it by weaving or braiding it. If you'd like to be one of the creative people:
  • Here's a place that has some great online tutorials on palm weaving!

  • Sister Cecilia Schmitt, of the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls in Minnesota wrote a fabulous book called "Palm Weaving: The Story... and The Art" (which has a companion video and guide-sheets), and an excerpt from that book can be found here. I don't know where one can purchase this anymore. Her website seems to have vanished. Boo! Perhaps one could contact the Franciscan Sisters.

  • And here's a place that has a list of other books to buy on palm weaving!
Isn't that frabulous?!

But wait! That's not all!

Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week, and at the end of Holy Week is Easter. Easter is, of course, the day that Jebus un-died and started popping in on people and making them stick fingers in his sword holes and stuff. Well, in modern times, nobody really wants to have a party where people stick fingers in sword holes because: Ewww. So instead people hide colored eggs and wait for something called "The Easter Bunny" to bring them chocolate. But in order for EB to leave you some chocolate, you must have a place for it to go! Say, for example, an Easter Basket. And if you want to know how to make an Easter Basket that looks like a bunny and is made from a bleach bottle (or vinegar bottle, or any other similarly shaped bottle), here are directions on how to do it! And here is a sample photo!


April 11, 2006 - ETA: Here's a link to some great Pussy Willow photos from Stamppy!


Stamppy said...

Wow! This post will keep Wikipedia in business for a long time! AHHAAHAHAHA

Fascinating about the Franciska nunnery place. Didn't know about the fingers in the swords holes either. They didn't teach that in public school and it was never mentioned during Saturday morning catechism when kids would rather be home watching cartoons! There's this one boy I knew who would shut his eyes on the long walk to catechism, and pretend to watch cartoons. He also used to carry a large inflatable cow to school. But that's another story, maybe someone has pictures?

I seem to have forgotten my blue bunny basket. Now the Easter Bunny won't stop here! I better get cleaning with my bleach real quick so I can have an empty bottle to make a new one.

When I get my pussy willow palm pictures online, you can link to mine, then you'll have another link in your post to make it THE BEST MOST LINKED POST EVAH! ahahhaahaahaha

I hope you put pictures on the site of some of your own frabulous palm weaving. But isn't it hard to weave those little palm fronds with such furry hands?

Green Floppy said...

It's a WikiPost! HAHAAHAH!

Was the large inflatable cow part of a science project? That's an odd thing to carry around!

You could also use a vinegar bottle, if they make big ones there. I once used a buttermilk quart bottle to make a cute little tiny basket!

I was thinking I should have had more links in this post, so having a link to your pussy willow post would be assalutely great!

I took some pictures of my palm weavings, but didn't get them online yet. You have a good point about the furry hands, and one would think it would be difficult to weave with them, but palm weaving is so simple that even I, an alien with furry hands, can do it!

Stamppy said...

Can't wait to see your palm pictures!

That kid with the inflatable cow was taking it to school for show 'n tell, I do believe. I think it was a Buddig Bull!

Green Floppy said...

Ah, the Buddig Bull. HAHAAH! That must have been one fun show-and-tell.

Stamppy said...

Hey, you said "ass" in yer post! :0

You can link to my blog, cuz I have a Pussy Willow post now. I hope my page counter doesn't go all wild when all your fans go over to my site cuzza the link.

Green Floppy said...

The donkey or ass, Equus asinus, is a domesticated animal of the horse family, Equidae. Or so says the Wiki!

I'll add a link back to your pussy willow pictures right away -- awesome! I hope the rush of viewers doesn't overload your counter thingie. hahahaha