Sunday, August 14, 2005

Snowangels, beware!

Here's some kind of strange creature -- it appears to be a snowangel-eating plant. I think it pretends to be a gang of snowangels, just hangin' out, as a way to lure in unsuspecting snowangels. And then it eats them. (Well it must eat them, because I'm not seeing any snowangels anywhere!)

Friday, August 05, 2005

*blink-blink* *blink-blink* *blink-blink*

You Earth people can be so stupid. Take, for example, this woman I saw this morning...



Thank you, thank you -- I'll be here all week!



So there I was, moving along in my four-wheeled conveyance, minding my own business, when I noticed that this woman ahead of me in a black four-wheeled conveyance was indicating a desire to turn left. On a straight road. With no left turns in sight. Then, while still shouting to the world her desire to turn left, she veered off into a lane that went RIGHT.
