Thursday, September 29, 2005

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Oooh, action shot! These are some people I played with, shortly before supper. Mmm... people supper...

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Strangers! Strangers commenting on my posts!

What do I do?


(Also: What is a discount cat? And why does it need furniture? Hmmm... things to ponder whilst... pondering... things. Yeah.)

Edited to add: Okay, anonymous commenting peeps... You know, I've been around the worlds -- I know advertising when I see it! I'll be sending you my bill shortly. AND THEN I SHALL EAT YOU. Oops... did I type that last part out loud?

The Crapper... of Freedom!

Let me share with you some of my vast, worldsly knowledge: When the founders of the United States were writing up the Constitution, they had a bunch of articles that they decided not to include. One of them was: "Congress shall make no law restricting the rights of the People to take a crap in any kind of box they want, just as long as they wash their hands afterward." I believe that these toilets are *exactly* what old Benny (prior to his association with the Jets) had in mind when he penned that most eloquent article. Just look at the beauty of these toilets -- the fine lines, the striking colors (reminiscent of the US Flag, which can be seen flying proudly on the crapper doors) -- these toilets, my tasty friends, *are* Freedom.

It just gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, doesn't it?