Friday, November 09, 2007

No more room for J-E-L-L-O


Dear Readers,

It is with a heavy heart (you know, if I had one...) that your correspondent must report to you the sad news that, on Thursday past, the last of the Jello Bowls met with a tragic end. Investigations are still on-going, but it is believed at this time that Jello Bowl took its own life after being subject
ed to ridicule for showing up to dinner two nights in a row wearing the same orange flavored Jello.

The photo below -- taken after Jello Bowls death -- is somewhat disturbing, and we debated whether or not to show it to you, but we decided that it would be for the greater good. Consider it a warning as to what could happen if people are allowed to poke fun at others.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sled Racing!

I finally got my film developed from my most recent outing to the ___ Mountain, and I had to share a couple of highlights with you, dear readers. I hope you'll enjoy them!

Here's a great action shot my friend got of me in a sled race:

This part of the run is VERY tricky. See those bumps? If you're not careful, you could find yourself in some serious trouble!

Oh, and here's a really embarrassing shot!

I had just barely missed the snow-ramp there, and instead caught my sled on a bit of the log. Well, as you can imagine, I went FLYING! I flipped right off of my sled and did a 10-point face-plant, right into the snow. Ouch! I skillfully avoided smacking into the tree, though, so all in all, it wasn't so bad.

Giant Red Balls

Hey, check out these giant red balls!

Whooo-eee, are they ever HUGE! Notice how tiny the human looks next to them, and you can see just how GINORMOUS they are. WOW!

I wonder what these balls are for? They're so big! And so red! If anyone knows what giant balls like this would be good for, let me know!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

You Decide

Spoon rest?

Or giant stirring spoon?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

It IS a magical world!

Magical World Elastic Wound Plaster...

what will you Earth people think of next?

Friday, March 09, 2007

Green Floppy answers a question!

Okay, so inquiring minds have inquired the following of Green Floppy:
Dearest Green Floppy,

I see from your
pictures that you don't really have any fingers like people do. Does that mean that when you eat, you just glom onto something with your club-like hands instead of using utensils?"

Humbly yours,
The Inquisitor
Well, dear The Inquisitor, I shall tell you! The answer is no. I do not just glom onto foods with my club-like hands. You see, like most differently-abled beings, I have specialized utensils that allow me to function in society like other regularly-abled beings. For example, here is a picture of some of my eating utensils:

Do you see how they are much larger than "normal" utensils? This larger size allows me to grab onto them better. This way, I can use a knife and fork and spoon to stab and scoop just like everyone else, and nobody hardly even notices that I'm using these larger utensils. I don't think anybody notices, anyway. Or if they do, they haven't said anything. Well, except for that one guy that one time... but nobody's seen him around anywhere since, so we won't worry about that.

Anyways, the answer is no! But thanks for asking!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Bastardo in Red

So Green Floppy recently purchased a brand new 2007 Ford Focus in the color of my bestest friend, Grey Pufftail Squirrel. (Green Floppy did not mention this before, because Green Floppy does not like to brag.)

Well, Green Floppy had this brand new car for almost two months, when one day, some stranger in a red minivan -- I am torn as to whether this stranger should be referred to as a he or a she. On the one hand, shes drive like carp. On the other hand, hes are inconsiderate rhubarbs, and wouldn't think twice about doing what this person did... I shall have to just refer to this stranger as jerkface, to cover all the bases. As I was saying -- this jerkface decided to back out of a parking space without making adequate use of their rear- and side-view mirrors, and bumped right into the back of my car. What a jerky jerkface!!

But wait! There's more!

After RAMMING into the back of my car, jerkface just inconsiderately drove off down the road to some unknown destination without bothering to stop and check out the DAMAGE that jerkface did to Green Floppy's car. Jerk!!

Here is some photographic evidence of the IMMENSE damage inflicted upon Green Floppy's brand new car by the giant jerkface in the carpy red minivan:

Look at how denty it is!! Those scrapes and circular swirly bits that look kind of like a snow angel!! And... and... there are... *vomit* PIECES OF RED MINIVAN embedded -- EMBEDDED, I say!! -- into my nice Grey Pufftail Squirrel-colored car.

O. M. F. G.