Well, Green Floppy had this brand new car for almost two months, when one day, some stranger in a red minivan -- I am torn as to whether this stranger should be referred to as a he or a she. On the one hand, shes drive like carp. On the other hand, hes are inconsiderate rhubarbs, and wouldn't think twice about doing what this person did... I shall have to just refer to this stranger as jerkface, to cover all the bases. As I was saying -- this jerkface decided to back out of a parking space without making adequate use of their rear- and side-view mirrors, and bumped right into the back of my car. What a jerky jerkface!!
But wait! There's more!
After RAMMING into the back of my car, jerkface just inconsiderately drove off down the road to some unknown destination without bothering to stop and check out the DAMAGE that jerkface did to Green Floppy's car. Jerk!!
Here is some photographic evidence of the IMMENSE damage inflicted upon Green Floppy's brand new car by the giant jerkface in the carpy red minivan:

Look at how denty it is!! Those scrapes and circular swirly bits that look kind of like a snow angel!! And... and... there are... *vomit* PIECES OF RED MINIVAN embedded -- EMBEDDED, I say!! -- into my nice Grey Pufftail Squirrel-colored car.
O. M. F. G.