Saturday, August 09, 2008


Oh, Poof is SO fired! Look at him! Lolly-gagging on the hammock, while the garden just sits there, wasting away! And this isn't the first time he's done that!

All those fruits and vegetables wasted! I AM SO FILLED WITH RAGE!!

I have brought in a new service animal, named Brisket, who says he really knows his way around a field, to take over the gardening duties. You can see him in this photo, looking over the damage. Hopefully he will prove to be more competent than that lazy French Poodle.



Stamppy said...

What type of service animal is Brisket? He looks like a real go-getter and should have your garden looking presentable again.

Maybe that motivational pool was a little too much for Poof. Nobody needs a lazy lout lying around doing nothing! Poof doit descendre de son âne et faire certains travaux!!

Green Floppy said...

Brisket is of the species Bovine. He already has everything re-planted and growing again, so I'm sure he'll be a huge improvement.

Oui, au large de son âne, en effet!