Sunday, March 26, 2006

More culling!

First it was plastic bags. Now it's plastic containers! They're out of control! Look at these pictures -- who could possibly use ALL of them buckets??

So, after a quick (ha!) installation of some rolly buckets, and a bit of recycling and/or g-sale-piling, this is what the plastic container cupboards look like now:

And these two other cupboard things were thinned out, too! (Hey, Green Floppy doesn't have any cookie sheets! Freeeeak!)

Here's the "onion drawer" with a smaller sized rolly bucket installed:

And this is under the sink, with a new other kind of drawer thing installed:

Woah!! Exciting!!


Stamppy said...

Woa, yous be installation freaks since doing all that shelfing.

The before pictures are like, O...M....G!! The after pictures are like, "Wow" man. You should do a commercial for the rolling shelfing.

Did you throw out that nice Kitchen Aid mixing bowl? I could use an extra one, wonder if it would fit on my moosheen.

Why you have no cookie sheets!? What do you BAKE with?

Why no onions in the onion drawer? Or is it behind the salad oil?

That was some major culling of the herd yous done did. So do you not have plastic covers in the cover drawer anymore? Freaks!

Green Floppy said...

I wish I had thought to take a "before" picture with the stuff still in the shelves. That would have made a better commercial.

The Kitchen Aid mixing bowl can be seen on the "after" pictures on the center bottom shelf. Too bad for you!

Gotta go all the way to the porchal area for cookie sheets now. Nobody BAKEs anything around here for desserts, since there's nobody to put recipes out for BAKEing.

Onions are behind the giant vinegar, I think.

Plastic covers are still in the drawer, because that just makes sense. Unless it's a small container, in which case the cover is right with it.

Stamppy said...

Awwww, too bad for the Kitchen Aid mixing bowl finding its way back into the cupboard.

I heard a different story about BAKE-ing that involves a giant/heavy duty cutting device, so Somebody must be BAKE-ing once in a while or there'd be no need for the new cutting device.

You should invite the neighbor kid over to put recipes on your cupboard once in a while. Then send the kid back home so the kid doesn't eat all your BAKEd goods.

Green Floppy said...

I heard that rumor, too, and the thing that was made wasn't actually BAKEd. More on that in another post. HAHAHA