I hear that this "Rock and Roll Pizza Cutter" is the best thing sinced sliced bread slicers!

And apparently, you can use it to slice bread! (In swammich form, anyway.) Look at how simple it is to use -- just "rock and roll" to slice!

Here's a picture out of the package. Woah!

And here it is in action! Look at the fine cutting lines it made. And the trail mix bar things didn't stick to the cutter at all. WOW!

This device really is a cut above the rest! (Get it? A "cut" above? See, 'cause it's a cutting device, so I used a common phrase that includes the word "cut" in it. Do you get it??)
Do you need to do the twist when you cut with that thing? Or does Rock N Roll music start playing?
How much did she set you back?
Ooooh, do I see Brownies?
No twisting needed, though you could if you wanted to! And I don't think any music plays, except maybe the person using it might burst into song because they're so delighted about how smooooth it cuts. I haven't witnessed such behaviour, though.
Was only about 5 american dollars!
This fudge isn't smart and spell-y like your's though.
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