Friday, April 28, 2006

Topsy Turvy

Today we have another installment in the Cam-Adventures of Green Floppy! These images were taken by the security cams at the local Wal*Bart, as I attempted to wheel a cart full of top soil to the checkout. Unbeknownst to me, there was a depression in the road where the water drain was, and I was steering right for it! Oh, nooooooos!

I was able to obtain a copy of the security cam video, and so I post it here for all to see. The quality isn't the best, of course -- a little choppy, and grainy, and perhaps a bit distorted -- but that is to be expected from a cam of this type. I mean, you've seen them on tee vee, when somebody robs a place, and they expect people to identify the person, right? Well, this one is kind of like that. But slightly better quality, as it is in color. Anyway, here it is!

So just remember: Tis better to pull than to push. Because at least that way, you can see where you're going!


Stamppy said...

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's one funny Security Cam!! Oh, I hope you thought it was funny at the time, or maybe you're laughing about it now?

What you gonna do with all that top soil, anyway?

I'll bet you wouldn't have had that problem if you only had a shopping cart like I use, which I wrote about here:

The wheels on my carts go round and round, left and right, forward and backward. You can push or pull the cart sideways if you want to!

Was everyone in the barking lot laughing? Did anyone help pick up the top soil?

Green Floppy said...

At first I didn't think it was too funny, because then I had to pick them all up again, but once they were back in the cart, it was hi-larious!

I heard that I didn't have enough dirt in my flower boxes -- even though flowers were growing just fine -- so I put it all in there. Pppft.

It would have been GREAT to have a sideways moving cart! They should have them here, too!

I didn't hear anyone laughing, but you know they all were. But NOBODY stopped to help. A man shopper in what looked like a post office uniform just walked on by like he didn't see me and turned over cart. And some Wal*Bart employees were over on the other side of the lot, and it looked like they were pointing and staring, but none of them came over. Jerks!

Stamppy said...

HA HA! Post office workers are waaay too busy to stop and help people with their top soil. But those Wal*fart employees should be told off. Go in there and point your green thumb at them and tell them off next time you go there!!! Hey, I made a funny! Green thumb! Green thumb!! Get it?

Green Floppy said...

Green thumb!!






Yeah, I should tell them off!!