Sunday, May 07, 2006

Warning! Disturbing images! Warning!

The images that follow may be too disturbing for some readers, so proceed with caution...

If you think you can handle it, then keep looking. Otherwise, click away from here right now, while you still can!!

You've been warned!!

Okay, here we go...

This first image is truly horrific.
This may have been some sort of traffic accident, or a mass murder, or it may even have been the result of some terrorist activity. I don't know exactly what happened here, but, as you can see, it's HORRIBLE!

Look at the carnage! There are smashed spoons everywhere! Broken knives! And -- *vomit swallow* -- I think I see part of a fork. This is simply too horrible for words. I hope the authorities can sort out what happened and put those responsible behind bars for a very long time.

This second image is even worse than the first, if you're an animal lover. So I'm putting in a second warning -- if you don't want to see animal abuse, click away from here RIGHT NOW!!

Are you still reading? Sicko! Well, you've been warned twice now, so don't come crying to me if this next image gives you nightmares!!

Okay, here is a picture of some of the worst animal abuse I've ever seen:

Whoever did this is really sick. Look at that poor bear! The're forcing him -- against his will, I'm sure! -- to hold up that piece of glass with his feet! They've turned him into a coffee table! And I'll bet that whoever did this horrible thing would often invited friends over and they would all sit around, adding coffee cup after coffee cup to the glass top, just to see how long it would take for the bear to lose his grip. And they probably LAUGHED while they did it. Why, that's just pure mean-ness. I hope they find whoever did this, too, and lock him away forever!


Stamppy said...

Oh. My. Gawd.!

That's devastating! I'd guess that it's a case of a jealous spoon amongst the tableware. I heard about a story of a dish who ran away with the spoon; and the spoon was obviously cheating on her signficant-other boyfriend! The S.O.B. probably couldn't take it anymore and went bizerk, and harmed those innocent spoons, forks & knives, at what looks like could have been a family reunion of some kind.

The next picture is truly horrible, but not as horrendous as Mallory and Lamb Chop! What is she doing to that poor little lamb!! The bear can thank his lucky charms he isn't in Lammy's position. I hope you helped the little bear and set him free from his humilation.

Green Floppy said...

Now that you mention it, I think I remember hearing about that trampy spoon taking off with that dish, and I bet you're right! The SO is probably the culprit! You should call Crime Stoppers -- maybe you'll get a reward or something if the tip pans out.

I tried to set the bear free, but he was too frightened to move or something, because I couldn't get him to budge an inch. :(

Stamppy said...

Coooool, a new friend made a post!!

Green Floppy said...

I like cool new friends!!