Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Green Floppy's Visual World

As I was looking around the lair this evening, I thought it might be fun if, every once in a while, I would post a picture of some random thing that a person probably wouldn't stop to look at on account of its being otherwise un-note-able. And I thought I'd post it without any commentary, because that would make the object of the image feel Important, because nobody posts pictures of stuff without saying what it is unless everybody already knows what it is. So here is the first installment in a possibly continuing series that I'll call: Green Floppy's Visual World

[end commentary]

[begin being in awe of my great no commentary random picture posting idea]

Sunday, March 26, 2006

More culling!

First it was plastic bags. Now it's plastic containers! They're out of control! Look at these pictures -- who could possibly use ALL of them buckets??

So, after a quick (ha!) installation of some rolly buckets, and a bit of recycling and/or g-sale-piling, this is what the plastic container cupboards look like now:

And these two other cupboard things were thinned out, too! (Hey, Green Floppy doesn't have any cookie sheets! Freeeeak!)

Here's the "onion drawer" with a smaller sized rolly bucket installed:

And this is under the sink, with a new other kind of drawer thing installed:

Woah!! Exciting!!

Stop sign on a stick!

This is the greatest invention ever! It's a tiny stop sign on a stick that you put in front of your car and then when you drive your car into the garage, you just go until you hit the stop sign on a stick and then the stop sign on a stick boings back and forth and flashing lights go flashing so then you know when to stop driving. It's great!!

The purple box of nexi-toys!

Look at this faaaaabulous toybox! It's so big and purple!


These are braided pretzels, but they have a dumb name. "Spinzels"? What's the spin part for? Why not call them Braidzels instead??

Friday, March 24, 2006


Look at all that trash!

The Lair, part the second

The rest of the pictures of The Lair!

Here is kind of an overview. Grey and friends were over again, and they thought it'd be fun to line up on some of the shelves for a picture. Ha!

Here's a closeup of the far corner shelf, and then some from the other side and
around the corner:

Here are some very important politicians and military men who were also over to visit:

Here are some more friends of mine and Grey's, all lined up!

Here's a shot of a different closet. The arrow is pointing at a picture of someone named Louise Hanko Peterson. I don't know who she is, but I've had this picture of her for many years!

Here is where I do computering. Notice how I'm currently reading the blog of She What Likes Daffodils!

The Lair, part the first

Here is the first group of pictures showing different views of the Green Floppy Lair!

This is what Green Floppy's closet looks like!

GPS goes for a ride.

My friend, Grey, went with some of our other pals to a local amusement park on 3/17/06. Here's a picture from one of the spinning rides -- it was the kind of picture that gets taken mid-ride and then they charge you to get a copy of it. Grey is the one with the arrow pointing at him. (You can only see his puffy tail.) Looks like they had a whirly good time!

Shellllllffffff Traaaaain!

Woah, I haven't updated in quite a while! Well, let's make up for that with a whole bunch of posts in a row! Woo!!

Here are some pictures I took on March 04, 2006. See, I was out shoppering for light bulbs at a giant Maynerds and saw the strangest sight I ever saw! It was three Earth people slowly moving down the aisles with carts FULL of boxed up shelves. I'm so glad I had my camera handy!

This first picture is of them moving down an aisle. (Heads have been blurred to protect the innocent.)

The second picture is of them nearing a checkout. Three carts full! You can't see it very well, but that first cart is really a flat-bed on wheels, and it's loaded with shelf boxes!

I snuck in one last picture just after they were done loading up their van. Boxes and boxes! And look at all of those plastic things!!

I wonder what they're going to do with all of that stuff!