Saturday, April 01, 2006

Logo of Green Floppy

I've decided that this blog needs a logo, like all the big fancy blogs have, so that readers can see right away that this is the blog of Green Floppy. I thought and thought about what kind of logo I should have: Should it be something that is distinctly Green Floppy? Should it be something that gives an idea of just what, exactly, this here blog is all about? Or should it be something more unifying, to let the reader know that he or she or it is welcome to read here, and will find something of interest here, no matter who they are or where they're from? And I've decided on the last option -- because I'm all about unification!

But then the next question is, what could I possibly find that could unify all of my diverse reading public? What is The Thing that we'd all have in common? Not such an easy question to answer, let me tell you! Well, as I was pondering, I happened to be looking at a map, and I thought: "Ah HA! Here is something we all have in common!"

And what is that thing, you ask? Why, it's roads! Roads and rivers. Roads and rivers and trees. And hills. And maybe some squared out plots of land. But that's it! Roads, rivers, trees, hills, and squared out plots of land. Because we all need roads to get from place to place (unless you have an air/space vehicle, as I do, but even then, you still have "roads" -- they just don't have dotted lines on them), and we all have rivers and trees and hills and squared out plots of land around us (unless you live in a desert, in which case your trees and rivers are more sparse and the hills are made of sand, and the squared out plots of land shift with the winds). And so, here is my new logo, a smaller form of which will appear at the top of Green Floppy's blog:

Isn't it frabulous?


Stamppy said...

Oh, I feel so welcome here now! The logo is truly marvelous!

Inquiring minds will want to know what part of the world the map is depicting. Can you share with us?

Green Floppy said...

It's depicting a part that has roads and rivers and trees and hills and squared out plots of land. hahahahaha

Stamppy said...

I think I've been there! Small world, isn't it?

Green Floppy said...

Small worlds, even!