Sunday, April 09, 2006


If you want to get serious about finding the *perfect* color for your webpage coding, I've found something that's even better than Hex Hub. (Though Hex Hub does have a page with the "Triple Hex" numbers, which seems to be what Blogger uses in their template things, and I don't see that in this new thing I've just found.) Anyway, it's this great little freeware program from Nattyware that goes by the name of Pixie. You start it up, and then as you move your mouse pointer about the screen, it'll tell you the color value for that particular pixel.



Stamppy said...

Woa, more picture thingies. Snottyware and Dixie look assulutely great! Triple-fiple Dex Hub sure didn't last long til you found a betterer one. ahahahaha

How 'bout you do a little write up for dumb bloggers?

Green Floppy said...

Now you're mis-spelling names on porpoise!

I found the link to Pixie from the Hex Hub website. They're still good for when you can't find just the perfect color on anything else that you might happen to be mousing over. And for the triple hex thing.

I'd do a write-up, but I don't know what I'm talking about. HAHAAHAHA