Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Green Floppy's Visual World

As I was looking around the lair this evening, I thought it might be fun if, every once in a while, I would post a picture of some random thing that a person probably wouldn't stop to look at on account of its being otherwise un-note-able. And I thought I'd post it without any commentary, because that would make the object of the image feel Important, because nobody posts pictures of stuff without saying what it is unless everybody already knows what it is. So here is the first installment in a possibly continuing series that I'll call: Green Floppy's Visual World

[end commentary]

[begin being in awe of my great no commentary random picture posting idea]


Stamppy said...

Hey, you're trying to get out of thinking up clever posting material!

That cord, why it makes such an interesting twist, right before it heads under that shelf leg. It's poetic even!

Green Floppy said...

Na uh! It's just this great idea I thought up all on my own. hahahahaha.

Yes, poetic! It's as if the cord is saying, "I have gone where you cannot go. Watch me loop around in delight, as I head off to some unknown appliance."

Stamppy said...

yeah! That's exactly what I was thinking the cord was thinking! woa!

Stamppy said...

WHAT IS THAT BLOB? I just seen it on yer main page. Is it a map of some kind? Or your veiny hand? WHAT IS IT?!

Green Floppy said...

The answer to the BLOB question is contained in my next post!